
Airius managing director John Brodie outlines ways to purify the air in your building to reduce illness, cut absenteeism and improve productivity.

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is described as ‘a collection of symptoms (syndrome) experienced by occupants spending time in a building with poor indoor air quality'. The syndrome is similar to chronic fatigue syndrome as it covers a variety of symptoms from headache and eye, nose and throat irritation through to poor concentration.

In principle, the creation of building airborne contaminants is what creates sick building syndrome.  The use of High-Efficiency Particulate Absorption (HEPA) filters in air conditioning systems can capture at least 99.7 per cent of air borne particles. 

But there are a lot of downsides to HEPA filters including regular ongoing maintenance, the need for an activated carbon filter as part of the system to remove gases and odours, plus it is a static system only treating the air that passes through them.

There is, of course, the use of UV-C light to clean A/C ducts and coils. But they are not as effective in HVAC systems. UV-C light is effective in certain limited applications but it has no value in removing odours. This is where the Airius Air Pear Thermal Equalizer, with its unique PureAir PHI system, comes into play.

The Airius Air Pear is proven worldwide to save energy in all types of air conditioned buildings by optimising the air distribution of the A/C system.

In Australia, summer energy savings of  up to 25 per cent using water cooled VAV air conditioned systems with Airius Air Pears are being achieved. When combined with the active PureAir PHI system, SBS and airborne microbes such as virus, bacteria, mould, VOCs, smoke and odours become a thing of the past.

The unique Photo Hydro Ionisation cell utilises proven technology creating an Advanced Oxidation System, where ionised hydrogen peroxide is created. This technology, when installed either in the Airius Air Pear or simply inserted into A/C ducts, actively goes out into the space and seeks out all organic microbes and converts them into oxygen or hydrogen.

Using very low amounts of energy, the Air Pear can circulate the air in the space ensuring full coverage of the space by the ionised hydrogen peroxide.

With over a million PHI cells installed worldwide into ducts, the PHI units can be used in lieu of or in conjunction with a range of filters. The use of the PHI cell results in the possibility of using coarser filters resulting in lower fan energy usage and therefore measurable and significant energy savings.

If you combine the PHI unit with the Air Pear, you can ensure you are achieving thermal comfort in an air conditioned space via the circulation of air. You also reduce your air conditioning costs significantly when used in an A/C application and ensure you have a clean smelling and sterile environment.

The PHI will last 20-25,000 hours before needing a simple cell replacement.