• Change the Air Foundation Summit.
    Change the Air Foundation Summit.

Change the Air Foundation, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving health by addressing poor indoor air quality, will host the inaugural Change the Air Foundation Summit on 18 September, 2023.

The free virtual event will feature keynote speakers' presentations aimed at providing attendees with valuable strategies and actionable steps for creating healthier homes and indoor environments that will have a positive impact on their overall health.

Change the Air Foundation chair Michael Rubino said the average person breathes in 20,000 breaths per day and spends, on average, 90 per cent of their daily time indoors.

Change the Air Foundation logo
Change the Air Foundation logo

“Yet, indoor air quality remains often overlooked in the health conversation," he said. "Providing individuals with the tools they need to improve their indoor environments will help them live longer and healthier lives by breathing safe indoor air."

Driven by a mission to give every person the knowledge, resources, and support to achieve better health by addressing the impact of water damage, mould, and other pollutants on indoor air quality, the Change the Air Foundation Summit will focus on home-related and health-related topics.

When attendees register for the free virtual summit, they will receive access to each informative discussion featuring one-on-one interview conversations with leading experts and voices in the space.

Released as a full mini-series, all presentations will be available on-demand, allowing attendees unlimited 24/7 access to the presentations.

Each episode will feature a renowned individual from various fields, including doctors, building experts, notable celebrities impacted by poor air quality, and prominent health advocates.

Topics include:

  • Why the health of your home matters and how much it can impact your wellness.
  • This issue is a worldwide problem that needs to be addressed.
  • Clearing up the confusion from the vast amount of misinformation regarding this problem.
  • Research endeavors that are currently underway to provide credible information to doctors and scientists.
  • Policy reforms that need to take place.
  • Legal assistance that is available and how to properly get aid when you need it.
  • How to properly identify issues in our homes and workplaces.
  • How to properly renovate our homes and workplaces.
  • Things that you can do to heal the body after exposure.

Indoor air pollutants are often odourless, colourless, and invisible to the naked eye, and can result in a host of negative effects.

What's worse, it often takes people years to make that connection between their health and home—if they ever make it at all. The unfortunate result is that individuals suffer from chronic symptoms because treatment plans don't address the underlying trigger: continued harmful environmental exposure.

"We enter this world with a breath. We leave this world with breath. Having clean air indoors should be everyone's priority," according to Dr. Deepak Chopra who is participating in the summit.