• Toby Wenzel
    Toby Wenzel

Meet Simmonds Heating and Cooling (SA) technician Toby Wenzel.

Toby is a third year apprentice and was keen to become a fridgie from the outset.

“I thought it would require a diverse set of skills which I found interesting,” he said. 

“I really enjoy service work - I get to interact with customers, helping them understand what the faults might be with their equipment or helping them choose replacement equipment.

“The times when I feel most challenged is when i have a customer that needs equipment fixed, but can’t afford to have it done.”

On occasion Toby has been able to negotiate a solution or find a workaround, he likes to keep customers happy.

“I’m looking forward to growing my skills and contributing to the company,” he said. “I want to work my way up to a supervising role and help other apprentices grow in the field.”