
Over the last 20 years, the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) has achieved world leading results – including a 40% drop in energy use for buildings that have participated in the program over 10 years.

Today, the future of NABERS Energy project is looking at how NABERS will adapt to achieve the same results over the next 20 years. This informative seminar will discuss emerging sector-wide trends that are being considered which include:

– Rise of net-zero carbon building design: Net zero carbon buildings are highly energy efficient and fully powered from renewable energy. This project considers how NABERS can recognise and reward buildings using zero emissions energy sources.

– A decarbonising grid: Considering what amendments NABERS should make across all its energy rating tools, over what timeframe, to ensure rating results remain relevant over the next decade and beyond.

In this ARBS Speaker Series session, Corine Mulet of NABERS will speak about the findings of the project to date, proposed solutions, impacts to ratings, future plans and how participants can provide input into the project.

Over the life of the program, NABERS has worked with Australian businesses and workplaces to save approximately 6 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. That's around $870 million in energy bills.

Moreover, approximately 78% of Australia's office space is rated by NABERS. The program is now entering new markets to meet emerging needs. For example, over the past 25 years the number of people living in apartments in Australia has increased 78%.

Working with Australia’s residential sector, NABERS introduced the first energy and water certification scheme for apartment buildings. NABERS also partnered with the Australian Government and the Green Building Council of Australia to develop a pathway for buildings to become certified as carbon neutral.

This partnership will help facilitate the facilitate the Government's ambitious 2050 net-zero emissions targets.

NABERS released its Five-Year Strategy for 2019-2023 last year which includes scaling up the role of NABERS to drive sustainable change to a larger part of the Australian economy.